Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-3rd Edition (VABS-3)
Qualification Level: B
Age Range: Birth-90
Administration: Online using Q-global, and paper and pencil
Complete Kit: Includes: Vineland-3 Manual, one Pkg (25) each of 7 forms: Comprehensive Interview Form w/ item-level probes, Comprehensive Interview
Form w/o item-level probes, Domain-Level Interview Form, Comprehensive Teacher Form, Domain-Level Teacher Form, Comprehensive Parent/Caregiver
Form, and Domain-Level Parent/Caregiver Form.
Vineland-3 measures the adaptive behavior of individuals. Correspond scales to the three broad domains of adaptive functioning specified by the American Association on Intellectual and developmental Disabilities and by DSM-5 - Communication, Daily Living Skills, and Socialization. Use for diagnosis, qualification for special programs, progress reporting, program and treatment planning, and research. Vineland-3 forms aid in diagnosing and classifying intellectual and developmental disabilities and other disorders. With Vineland-3 you can measure adaptive behavior of individuals with:
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)