The Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI)
Ages: 8–0 through 17–11
Testing Time: 10–20 minutes
Administration: Individual
Complete Kit: Manual and 50 Rating Summary Booklets, all in a sturdy storage box.
The LDDI is a rating scale designed to help identify intrinsic processing disorders and learning disabilities in students between the ages of 8 and 17 years old. A reliable and valid norm-referenced inventory, the LDDI is composed of six independent scales: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing,
Mathematics, and Reasoning. Each scale contains 15 easy-to-rate items. The items were generated after an extensive review of theoretical writings and empirical studies in learning disabilities, especially the literature that focused on the neuropsychological aspects of the disabilities. This inventory is intended for use of teachers who are in direct contact with the student. This test identifies students
with learning disabilities against students with other learning problems.