Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 5th edition (SBIS-5)
For use with: 2- 85+ yrs. old for SB-5, 2-5 yrs. old for full battery; 6-7 yrs. old for abbreviated battery for Early SB-5
Administration time: 5 minutes per subtest
Qualification level: C
Complete Kit Include: Includes Interpretive Manual; Examiner‘s Manual; Technical Manual; Item Book 1 (Routing Subtests); Item Book 2 (Nonverbal Subtests);
Item Book 3 (Verbal Subtests); 25 Record Forms; Manipulatives; all in a sturdy canvas carrying case
Valid and reliable assessment of intellectual functioning is an important need in many preschool assessment practices. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood, Fifth Edition (Early SB5) is a specialized version derived directly from the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales? Fifth Edition (SB5). It provides a psychometrically superior, accessible, and cost-effective test of intelligence for use with young children.