Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales 2nd Edition (RIAS-2)
Ages: 3 to 94 years
Admin Time: 40 to 45 minutes
Format: Individual administration
Scores: Composite Intelligence Index, Verbal Intelligence Index, Nonverbal Intelligence Index, Composite Memory Index, Speeded Processing Index
Complete Kit: Includes 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms; 25 RIAS-2 Response Forms; RIAS-2/RIST-2 Stimulus Book 1; RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 2; RIAS-2 Stimulus
Book 3; RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 4; RIAS-2/RIST-2 Manual With Fast Guide
Assesses both verbal intelligence (problem solving and reasoning using acquired knowledge and skills) and nonverbal intelligence (reasoning and spatial ability using novel situations and stimuli)
- Offers optional verbal and nonverbal memory subtests that yield the Composite Memory Index
- Yields a highly reliable General Reasoning Index that reflects overall reasoning and problem-solving skills
- Provides the highly reliable General Reasoning Index reflecting general reasoning and problem-solving skills
- Informs diagnosis of specific disorders such as intellectual disabilities and is useful in educational placement