OASIS 3: Aptitude Survey (OASIS-3-AS)
For use with: 13 and above
Administration time: 30 to 45minutes
Qualification Level: B
Complete Kit: Manual 10 Student Test Booklets, 50 hand-scorable Answer Sheets, 50 Student Profiles, Scoring Key Vocabulary and Computation
Transparencies, 1 Sample Interpretation Workbook
The Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule-Third Edition (OASIS-3) consists of two related tests: the OASIS-3 Aptitude Survey and the OASIS-3 Interest Schedule. The tests were normed on the same national sample of 2,005 individuals from 20 states. Teachers, counselors, and other professionals can easily use the OASIS-3 to assist in the career development of students in Grades 8 through 12 and adults. The OASIS-3 can be administered individually or in groups. Each test takes from 30 to 45 minutes to administer and can be hand scored or machine scored. The Aptitude Survey yields six scores: General Ability, Verbal Aptitude, Numerical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude, Perceptual Aptitude, and Manual Dexterity. Validity coefficients with similar subtests of the General Aptitude Battery range from .60 to .80. Median alpha reliabilities range from .70 to .91. Each Aptitude Survey kit can test up to 50 students in groups of 10