Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test, 2nd Edition (KOPPITZ-2)

Ages: 5 to 85+
Admin Time: 5-10 minutes
Format: Drawing task
Scores: Standard scores, percentiles, age equivalents, and specialized scores; two scoring systems–one for ages 5 to 7 and one for ages 8 and up
Complete Kit: Includes Manual; Bender Gestalt II Stimulus Cards; 25 Examiner Record Forms, Ages 5 to 7; 25 Examiner Record Forms, Ages 8 to 85+; 25
Emotional Indicators Record Forms; Scoring Template; all in a sturdy storage box

This revision of Elizabeth Koppitz's Bender Gestalt scoring system retains the developmental approach that made the original so popular while adding new norms, an expanded age range, and improved reliability. These changes give clinicians and educators a highly useful measure of visual' motor integration across the lifespan. Using the Bender Gestalt II Stimulus Cards, the KOPPITZ-2 requires the examinee to draw increasingly complex figures on a plain sheet of white paper. This relatively unstructured task assesses the individual's ability to relate visual stimuli to motor responses and to organize the effort independently.