Beck Youth Inventories – 2nd Edition (BYI-2)
Ages / Grades: 7 to 18 Years
Administration Time: 5 minutes per inventory
Scoring Options: Five Inventories of 20 Questions Each
Scores / Interpretation: T scores
Qualification Level: B
Complete Kit: Includes Manual, 25 Combination Inventory Booklets
The Beck Youth Inventories - Second Edition for Children and Adolescents (BYI-2) are designed for children and adolescents ages 7 to 18 years.
Five self-report inventories can be used separately or in combination to assess a child?s experience of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self-concept. Ease of use and flexibility of scoring allow for problem identification and prevention without extensive training. Results aid in the screening, planning, and monitoring of children and youth for educational placement and clinical treatment.