Management Development Questionnaire (MDQ)
Duration: Untimed (approx 25 minutes)
Languages: English
Suitable For: Managers and leaders.
Used For: Management Assessment. Qualification Levels: Level B
Kit includes: 1 MDQ Manual, 5 MDQn Item Booklet, 10 MDQn Response Sheets, 10 MDQn Profile Sheets, 10 MDQn/i Feedback Charts, 10 MDQ360 Rater
Assessment/Item Response Sheets, 10 MDQ360 Self Assessment Item/Response Sheets, 5 MDQi Item Booklet, 10 MDQi Response Sheet, 10 MDQi Profile
sheet, 1 pack of 10 Introductory Leaflet for Test Takers
The MDQ series consists of three instruments: MDQn, MDQi and MDQ360. MDQn is a normative instrument with 20 competency scales and an impression management scale. It has 168 statements which respondents rate on a 5 point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. MDQi measures the same 20 dimensions of management competency as MDQn but in a semi-ipsative format based on the approach developed by the Management Research Group (Sawyer and Kabacoff, 1997). Test takers are presented with two competency statements. First, they have to decide which competency they perform more effectively and to indicate whether that competency is a either a high or low priority for development. Second, they have to indicate whether the competency they perform less effectively is also an area for development. There are 80 pairs of statements.