Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT-4)
Ages: 5 to 94 years
Admin Time: 15-25 minutes for ages 5 to 7; 35-45 minutes for ages 8 and up
Format: Four subtests available in two alternate forms–Math Computation, Spelling, Sentence Comprehension, and Word Reading–the latter two individually
Complete Kit: Includes 50 Response Forms (25 each of Blue and Green Forms); 50 Sentence Comprehension Response Booklets (25 each of Blue and Green
Forms); 2 Word Reading/Spelling Cards; 3-Sentence Comprehension Cards; Manual
The fourth edition of this classic test measures the basic academic skills' reading, spelling, and mathematical computation' necessary for effective learning, communication, and thinking. This version features an entirely new sub-test, Sentence Comprehension, to enhance the scope of the test and to meet the need for a measure of reading comprehension.
The WRAT4 includes four sub-tests:
- Sentence Comprehension
- Word Reading
- Spelling
- Math Computation