Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children 5th Edition (WISC V)
For use with: 6-16 yrs. old
Administration time: 60 minutes
Qualification level: C
Complete Kit Includes: Administration and Scoring Manual, Technical and Interpretive Manual, Stimulus Books 1-3, 25 Record Forms, 25
Response Booklets #1, 25 Response Booklets #2, Symbol Search Scoring Key, Coding Scoring Key, Cancellation Scoring Template, and Wechsler Standard Block Design Set.
Introducing the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®–Fifth Edition, the latest version of the most proven trusted cognitive ability measure ever. Available in both a paper-and-pencil format and a digital format on Q-interactive®, the WISC-V delivers more flexibility and more content. It has been redesigned to give you a truly comprehensive picture of a child's abilities and it includes notable improvements to make identifying the issues-and finding the solutions-faster and easier, without sacrificing the Wechsler gold standard of excellence.