OASIS-3: Interest Schedule – Occupational Interest Schedule 3rd Edition (OASIS-3-IS)

For use with: Students
Number of items: 240 items Applications: measures 12 interest factors directly related to the occupations listed in the Guide of Occupational Exploration.
Complete Kit: Includes Examiner’s Manual, 25 Test Booklets, 50 Answer Sheets, 50 Profile Sheets, Sample Interpretation Workbook Scoring Key

The OASIS-3 Interest Schedule measures 12 interest factors directly related to the occupations listed in the Guide of Occupational Exploration. The factors are Artistic, Scientific, Nature, Protective, Mechanical, Industrial, Business Detail, Selling, Accommodating, Humanitarian, Leading-Influencing, and Physical Performing.

The Interest Schedule contains 240 items scored as Like, Neutral, or Dislike. Alpha reliabilities range from .83 to .96. Construct validity was determined through principal components analysis and empirical research.