Psychological Screening Inventory – 2nd Edition (PSI-2)
Age: 16+
Time: 20 minutes
Test User Qualification: B
Complete Kit: includes Examination Kit, Test Manual, Testing Kit, Scoring Template, PSI-2
The Psychological Screening Inventory-2 (PSI-2) is a brief mental health screening device ideal for situations where professional time and resources may be at a premium. It is easy to administer and interpret and is appropriate for adolescents and adults. The PSI-2 identifies people who might benefit from more extensive examination and professional attention. Composed of 139 items, the PSI-2 can usually be completed in 15 minutes and is suitable for individual administration on SIGMA's online testing platform. The PSI-2 can be used in community clinics, hospitals and medical facilities, high school and college counseling offices, referral agencies, courts and correctional facilities, and other mental health screening settings.