Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS R)

Qualification Level: B
Age Range: 18 and older
Administration: Paper-and-pencil or computer administration, or online administration
Completion Time: 25–30 minutes (180 true/false items)
Complete Kit: Includes MIPS Revised manual, 10 test booklets, 50 answer sheets, and answer keys.

The MIPS Revised test helps assess normally functioning adults who may be experiencing difficulties in work, family, or social relationships.
Human resource specialists, social work and career counselors, private practice clinicians, and other professionals use this test in a variety of settings, including:

  • Individual counseling
  • Relationship, premarital, and marriage counseling
  • Employee selection, as a pre-offer screening tool
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Leadership and employee development programs