The Career and Personality Inventory

The Career and Personality Inventory-Revised (CPI-R) is a questionnaire developed for f Grade 9 – 10 to understand and discover the best career options corresponding to their work interests and personality type. CPI yields a Percentile Score (PS) and the corresponding Quality Index (QI). CPI-R provides a report on eleven occupational clusters. The eleven occupational clusters are as follows:

1. Business and Financial Management
2. Computer and Information Technology
3. Physical Science
4. Biological and Medical Science
5. Arts and Design
6. Social and Personal
7. Agricultural and Livestock
8. Home Economics and livelihood
9. Industrial Arts
10. Sports and Athletics
11. Professional and Executive

Likewise, CPI-R reports 16 possible psychological types based on the four pairs of personality types. None of these types are “better” or “worse.” However, CPI-R theorized that people naturally prefer one overall combination of type differences. The examinee’s personality type is identified through combinations of every attitude and preference among the four personality typologies.

1. World Focus: Your preference to focus on the outer world is called Extraversion (E), and your preference for your inner world is called Introversion (I).

2. Information: Your preference to focus on the essential information you take in is called Sensing (S), and your preference to interpret and add meaning is called Intuition (N).

3. Decisions: When making decisions, your preference to first look at logic and consistency is called Thinking (T). Feeling (F) is your choice to first look at the people, and special circumstances are called Feeling (F).

4. Structure: In dealing with the outside world, your preference to get things decided is called Judging (J), and your preference to stay open to new information and options is called Perceiving (P).

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